Friday, February 1, 2008

Research on Horoscope


The Virgo is highly discriminating, but not necessarily as prudish at some might believe. In ancient times, a Virgin was a woman who was not the property of man, and therefore had the legal right to just say "no." Now, in modern times, you Virgos are known for your ability to be highly discriminating -- especially when it comes to matters of personal desire. When Virgo is ready, however, to say yes, the laser-like focus of your passion is anything but prudish.You Virgos have the uncanny sense to see what's wrong with a person, a situation or your environment. It's why Virgo makes such natural critics. Virgo practical analytical abilities are second to none. Your mental process may not be the most creative, but Virgo's razor-like thinking is highly effective. Like the maiden pictured in the Virgo glyph, you separate the useful wheat from the unneeded chafe, the good from the bad. Virgo might be a "clean freak," but most Virgos have a messy closet somewhere or a disaster under their bed.The Virgo motto could be "Perfect is almost good enough." On one hand, this trait makes you very employable, for you're not likely to do shabby work. On the other hand, you can be so finicky that you put limitations on your interactions and experiences before they happen. You'll be happier if you can learn to be selectively less critical, both of others and yourself.
Element: Earth
Earth signs are naturally practical. In this lifetime we are bound to Earth. There is no escaping the reality around us The Earth is about as real as it gets; it can be felt, weighed and it has substance. Accordingly, the earth signs base their life on what is real, not what is imagined. Sensation is valued over thoughts or feelings. Earth signs live with their feet on the ground. Others seek their advice because of their basic sensibility. For earth signs, seeing is believing.The earth of Virgo is a changeable earth, light to the touch. It's about practical analysis -- using mental tools to discern the best use for what is around us.Sixth House: Work
The Sixth House is about the regular performance of work-related tasks. This isn't necessarily about career. It's about the job you have that buys the bread for the table. This sector is also where we look to find out about health and healing, for it's not only work routine, but also our daily habits of hygiene.Key Planet: MercuryMercury, the Messenger of the Gods, moves around the Sun faster than any other planet. He symbolizes our thoughts -- not only how we think, but how we communicate. In fact, Mercury is in charge of all language. Mercury is our active and rational mind. It is not only "just the facts" but also what we do with them. As the key planet of Virgo, Mercury is about intellectual discrimination. It's the binary function of the neurons in our brain. They either fire and impulse or they don't. Mercury here is about the basic "yes" or "no" decision that must be made for every piece of information that enters our consciousness.Virgo Greatest Strength: Your ability to focus your attentionVirgo Possible Weakness: Need for perfection gets in the way of enjoyment

Virgo gemstone:
For countless centuries, the sapphire has been associated with divine favour. The Buddhists believed this stone favoured devotion and spiritual enlightenment, while the Ancient Greeks linked the sapphire...particularly the white Apollo and often wore it as an aid to prophecy when consulting oracles. In past times, this gem was considered a valuable aid toward development of the 'third eye,' and thought to guard its owner from being captured by enemies. It was frequently worn and used during rituals as a strengthening agent in the ability to tap and send forth power. Egyptians associated the clear sapphire with the Eye of Horus and this particular variety is credited with being a guardian of love.
The Persians believed that the blue of the sky was the reflection of a great sapphire upon which rested the Earth. Thus, it is often said to represent the tranquillity of the heavens and some historians have noted that the Law given to Moses on the Mount was engraved upon tablets of sapphire. It is also the stone used in the Cardinal's ring to denote his badge of office within the Catholic religion. In addition, this gem was once believed lethal to venomous insects and reptiles, as well as being regarded in terms of gender...dark stones being female and light stones being male.
In Medieval times, priests and monks would wear sapphire jewellery in the belief that the stone possessed the power to quell wicked impulses and impure thoughts, in addition to banishing envy and promoting chastity in virgins. Many monarchs throughout history have worn sapphires around their necks as a powerful defence from harm.
It is worth noting that a sapphire and a ruby are made of the same material, differing only in color.

Some famous Virgo personality born under the sign of Virgo...

  • Mother Theresa
  • Michael Jackson
  • Queen Elizabeth I

Compatible Signs with Virgo:

  • Taurus
  • Capricorn
  • Cancer
  • Scorpio

Variable Zodiac Sign:Virgo & Pisces

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